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Blog: UN SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

June is a time to recognise and celebrate the many different characteristics and identities that make up who we are as individuals and contributes to the diversity of Northamptonshire. This month there have been events and awareness days such as Pride, Power of Youth Day, Windrush Day, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history month, Refugee week and many more. Therefore, it is only fitting that we use this time to focus on UN SDG 10: Reduce Inequalities.

UN SDG 10 aims to promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of all and eliminate discrimination. None of us choose our ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or where we are born so as a society, we should look to embrace acceptance, equality and inclusion.

Many of the awareness days taking place this month have come from tireless campaigning for marginalised communities to be recognised and heard, for example Pride month originated from the Stonewall Riots - marches commemorating the Stonewall uprising and demonstrating for equal rights for the LGBT+ community.

We should take the time to celebrate our hard-won victories and the sacrifices made by those who have gone before us so we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. However, we should always be on guard so that these are not lost and continue to work towards supporting those who are under-represented and discriminated against.

Northamptonshire Community foundation supports many organisations which look to reduce inequalities and promote equity, diversity and inclusion, some of these groups include:

QSpace Logo

Q Space is a LGBTQ+ support group made up of volunteers from a variety of different backgrounds and experience. They have recently received funding through the Global Goals Fund for Northamptonshire to provide activities for young LGBTQ+ people, including bowling and inclusive prom.



Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council

Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council’s vision is to challenge and eradicate discrimination (both personal and institutional) and prejudice or hostility in all its forms; so that all Northamptonshire's diverse communities and citizens can enjoy peace, achieve their full potential, and live free from injustice. They have recently received funding from the Cecil Pettit Legacy Fund to develop disability discrimination packs for those claiming universal credit and for those experiencing discrimination applying for or whilst in work.


United African Association

United African Association advise, support, advocate for and represent the African community in Northampton, along with other organisations. They promote community cohesion through events, projects and activities that showcase African culture and heritage. They have recently received funding from the Family Food Aid Fund to continue providing food parcels to those in poverty.

Alex Rex, Grants Team Manager and Staff Ambassador for UN SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities